
Heirloom Varieties

Brandywine Pink- An 1885 heirloom variety with beautiful pink fruits.  Classic heirloom flavor and the top seller for us last year.

Cherokee Purple- "Tennessee Heirloom" Mild flavored brick red flesh, handed down generation to generation from Cherokee farmers. A local favorite.

Pineapple- With lovely yellow-orange skin and flesh mottled and streaked with red, this heirloom beefsteak weighs in at 1 -2 lb. Heavy fruits bring superb, sweet, low-acid flavor to salads and sandwiches.

Determinate Varieties

Red Deuce- This red variety averages around 10 oz matures to a deep red color with great acidic taste.

Italian  Heirloom Varieties

San Marzano-An Italian Heirloom Plum Tomato with a hollow center and very few seeds.  The flesh is meaty and intense, a Chef's favorite.

Other Varieties

Red and Golden Grape Tomatoes- These varieties are larger than most cherry tomatoes yet just as sweet.  Perfect for salads or snacking.

Sunchocola Cherry - Smokey, sweet and juicy. This hybrid is one of the finest tasting cherry tomatoes we’ve ever grown.

Sungold - The beautiful golden-orange fruits are grown in large clusters. The flavor develops early so this little tomato is great for snacking.

Artisan Blush Cherry - Elongated 2” red and yellow striped tomatoes are sweet and fruity.



